Mrs. Teelah Dennis » Barrier Island

Barrier Island

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Fifth Grade Students will have the opportunity to go to Barrier Island this year! The Barrier Island Environmental Education Program is a marine science field trip offered by Saint Christopher Camp on Seabrook Island, South Carolina. The trip is scheduled for March 13th - 15th, 2019. The cost per child is $240.00. This fee may be paid at one time or in installments beginning in October. All interested students need to make a $40.00 deposit by September 14th, 2018 in order to reserve a spot on the trip. Our PTO and district funds help to defray the expenses of our trip. Also, students will be able to participate in 2 fundraising projects throughout the year in order to earn money toward their trip.
If you are interested in being a chaperone, please sign up in the office on Friday, October 26th, 2018. This is our first teacher workday of the year. All interested chaperones will have to consent to a SLED background check once selected. The number of chaperones needed will be determined by the number of students attending in each class. Those parents selected as chaperones will be notified at a later date in February. The cost per chaperone is $240.00.
Please let me know if you have any questions!