Who Am I?
WELCOME to 2nd Grade!
This is my 15th year of teaching. I have been at Roebuck in second grade all fifteen years. I was born in Spartanburg and attended Spartanburg High School.
I received my Bachelor's of Education from Lander University. I received my Masters of Education from Converse College. I believe I am meant to be a teacher and it's what I love to do! I will love your children and treat them as if they are my own! Thank you for trusting me with them this year!
I am married and have two beautiful daughters. My husband is an Engineer. My oldest daughter, Joby, is a first grade student at RES. My youngest daughter, Jane, is three and is in preschool. I cherish my family and enjoy spending time with them!

My Favorites:
Hobbies: CLEMSON Football, dancing, shopping, and spending time with my family
Colors: Purple and Orange
Food: Mexican
Stores: Target
Let's make this year AWESOME! I believe in YOU!